End of Year Awards Assembly
Mr Adorian’s Final Assembly
Dear Parents/Carers,
In case of school closure or the need for families to self-isolate, we have prepared the following learning for the children to complete.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Lewis and the Year 5 Team
Week Beginning 13th July Suggested Timetable
You may wish to follow this suggested weekly timetable:
Please download the Suggested weekly timetable at the top of the page and the documents below for an explanation of this week’s English activities.
Please download this week’s suggested timetable at the top of the page for an explanation of this week’s SPaG activities.
Download the documents below for an explanation of this week’s Maths activities.
My Maths (Login in Reading Record)
Times Table Rock Stars (Login in Reading Record)
Chapter Six: Mars and Beyond
You did it! You created a habitat on Mars – the first ever settlement of human beings on an off-Earth planet. Now you need to let people back on Earth know what life on Mars is like and why they should be as excited about it as you are. Get ready to impress the Earthlings with your achievements…
Chapter 6 – Mars Diary
Alternative activity
This activity can be very messy. It is a good idea to wear old clothes or an apron.
Put 4 tablespoons of cornflour into a bowl. Gradually add water, stirring in a small amount at a time, until you have made a very thick liquid. Now you can explore what happens when you do different things with it. Stir it in the bowl with a spoon or your hand, first slowly then quickly. Roll it into a ball in your hand, and see what happens when you stop rolling it. Try dropping a toy into the bottom of it and then lifting it up again.
WHAT DO YOU NOTICE? Things to talk about …
Is it easy or hard to stir or roll it? How does mixing it very vigorously compare with stirring it slowly? How hard is it to remove objects from the bottom of the bowl?
Please see the Suggested timetable at the the top of the page for this week’s topic lessons
“ Les vacances” Summer activities
Tutorial on holidays activities
Interactive Games> Listening/Reading/Writing: https://www.french-games.net/frenchgames
Test yourself: Multiple choice
Activity sheets (see below): use the vocabulary list to complete activities.
“ Las vacaciones” Summer activities
Tutorial on holiday activities
Interactive games> Listening/Reading/Writing: https://www.spanish-games.net/spanishgames
Test yourself: Multiple choice
Activity sheets (see below): use vocab list to complete activities
- Do the maths and colour in accordingly
- Look at the vocab list for 2 min, then try link up expressions to shadows
- wordsearch
Please use your log in to Charanga where you can find your music unit of work for this term. You have a new topic called’ Fresh Prince of Bel Air ‘ to work through this half term. You have the first week in your assignments. There is also a listening unit of pieces for you to enjoy for June and a unit to help you practise your times tables if you wish.
Below is a copy of each week’s work: