We are very proud of the appearance of our pupils. Our uniform is a symbol of belonging to Christchurch Junior School and underlines the sense of community we seek to develop. We see it as a clear statement of identity both inside school and when we are on educational visits away from site. The children should take pride in their appearance and present a positive image for our school. We ask for your support in this matter.
Children of parents in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to a clothing grant in the form of a voucher which may be redeemed at Stevensons in Southbourne. Please contact the school office in the first instance.
Our school uniform is available from the following outlets:
148 -150 Seabourne Road
Telephone: 01202 425192
Furthermore we are now pleased to advise you that, as well as being able to purchase from the Southbourne shop, uniform is available now available to be ordered online from Stevensons.
Click to view a copy of the 2022/23 price list for Stevensons’ uniform.
Introducing our new uniform! (from September 2023 onwards)
We value the thoughts and opinions of all members of our school community, particularly the voices of our pupils and parents. Therefore, following months of careful consultation with with members across our school community we present to you our new school uniform and logo.
We have listened carefully to the children’s ideas. They recognised that our current logo says very little, but that this new image and uniform will say a great deal. They specifically requested a logo/image that said more about our locality, and after many iterations, we have settled upon this sailing boat image. We believe this sailing boat represents success and high-performance, prestige and aspirations. The image relates to our location with the two local rivers and the sea visible. To many of us, this coastal environment is central to our lifestyle and to the choice we have made to live in this part of the country. In turn, this links to our school values of Belonging/Achieving/ Growing – values we are working to embed in our pupils, staff, families and community.
Our school has continued to make excellent progress over the last couple of years, and we have done so through the continual tweaking and refining of our systems, structures and processes. We are now ready to make the next leap forward. Improving our uniform and raising our expectations will transcend our school culture: it will positively impact upon each pupil’s self-image and esteem; the bar will be raised in terms of conduct, behaviour for learning and attitude; pride in our school and in our place in the community will be projected, with each of us rising to the new challenges which lie ahead.
Thank you for your support with our uniform changes.
The new uniform will be will be available from September 2023 onwards, as and when your child needs the next size but it will not become compulsory until September 2024.
Items marked with an * asterisk are available from our uniform supplier Stevensons. All other items can be bought from high-street clothes stores or supermarkets.
White shirt – collar, cuffs, buttons, short or long sleeved (not a polo shirt or blouse).
*Maroon Tie
*Maroon V-neck jumper – branded with school logo
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
Red/white checked summer (Optional)
Grey socks/tights (Children must not wear white socks, socks with patterns or colourful socks)
Black shoes
*Maroon PE/Games T-shirt – branded with school logo
Plain black shorts
Plain black jogging bottoms
Plain black sweatshirt
Plain white sports socks
We expect pupils to wear sensible, school shoes and not trainers in school. We also ask for your support in controlling the size of heel as a matter of health and safety. We do not allow children to wear boots, sling back or mule type shoes which do not support the ankle. Shoes should be worn with grey socks or tights. Trainers are not allowed (except for use in PE/Games lessons or the playground at break times and lunch times only).
We do not allow the wearing of jewellery in school unless a Medic Alert / SOS Talisman is needed. Children whose ears are pierced may wear plain studs if necessary but we cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of jewellery brought to school. During PE, earrings will need to be removed or taped for health and safety reasons. Children may wear a watch but must be responsible for it. All other forms of jewellery are not allowed for reasons of safety. We do not allow children to wear make-up or nail varnish to school.
The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. We would greatly appreciate the support of parents and carers with this issue. Long hair should always be tied back. These guidelines apply to both boys and girls.
With over 500 children wearing similar items of clothing, it is vital that all schoolwear is clearly marked with the child’s name. We do accumulate large amounts of unclaimed, unmarked clothing in lost property. We request that all garments are named using woven name tapes, iron-on labels or a permanent laundry marker so that ‘lost’ items can be returned to their owners. Any unnamed and ‘lost’ items are placed in our lost property box and anyone is welcome to view this box when items have been mislaid. The school cannot accept responsibility for the replacement of lost items of clothing or personal belongings.