8:30 am School gates opened and pupils can enter independently of parents/carers.
Gates and playground areas are supervised.
8:40 am Pupils can enter school building (Y3 and Y4 teachers open classroom doors/ Y5 and Y6 teachers open doors at the end of the building). Pupils requiring additional support can now enter school grounds with a parent/carer and be supported in entering the school building.
8:45am – 8:55 am Morning Registration (children arriving after this time will be marked as ‘late’)
8:50 am Gates close
10:55 – 11:10 am Morning Break
12:10 – 12:55 pm Lunchtime
12:55 – 1:00 pm Afternoon Registration
3:05 pm End of the School Day; children leave school
3:15 pm Gates close
Children have the choice of either bringing their own packed lunch to school each day or ordering, in advance, a hot school meal provided by Harrisons. Children are also able to bring a snack for break time. This could be a piece of fruit or vegetable, a plain bread roll or similar. Children should not be eating crisps or chocolate biscuit bars at break time.
We encourage healthy eating and ask for no fizzy drinks or sweets in lunch boxes. We also insist upon a ‘nut free’ environment to protect our children who have severe allergic reactions to nuts and nut products and ask that parents refrain from including these in snacks and lunches.
Children of parents in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to free school meals. If you wish to check whether your child is entitled to a free hot school meal ask Dorset Direct on 01305221090 or apply online via Free school meals – Dorset Council.