Mr Adorian’s Final Assembly: Monday 13th July
Dear parents / carers
In case of school closure or the need for families to self-isolate, we have prepared the following learning for the children to complete.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Wilson and the Year 6 Team
Week Beginning 13th July
We have prepared the following activities for the children. These are centred around reflections on the children’s time at CJS and looking forward to their new schools for September.
The activities can be completed in any order.
May we take this opportunity to wish all our families a very relaxing and fulfilling Summer holiday.
Summer Activity Booklet
Time Capsule
Transition Activities
Emoji Day Activities
“ Les vacances” Summer activities
Tutorial on holidays activities
Interactive Games> Listening/Reading/Writing:
Test yourself: Multiple choice
Activity sheets (see below): use the vocabulary list to complete activities.
“ Las vacaciones” Summer activities
Tutorial on holiday activities
Interactive games> Listening/Reading/Writing:
Test yourself: Multiple choice
Activity sheets (see below): use vocab list to complete activities
- Do the maths and colour in accordingly
- Look at the vocab list for 2 min, then try link up expressions to shadows
- wordsearch
Please use your log in to Charanga where you can find your music unit of work for this term. You have a new topic called’ Hip Hop ‘ to work through this half term. You have the first week in your assignments. There is also a listening unit of pieces for you to enjoy for June and a unit to help you practise your times tables if you wish.
Below is a copy of each week’s work