Before Half Term Year 4 had their taste buds tickled by founder of the Christchurch Food & Wine Festival, Mary Reader and her team of fabulous chefs. The children helped to prepare several dishes which they were then able to try.
Copies of the tasty recipes they made can be found here.
Below are two children’s accounts of the day:
Last Friday 4AM went to the hall for a cooking experience to make and taste some healthy foods. We put on our colourful aprons and split up into small groups. My group started by making noodles with vegetables and chicken in. Chopping the vegetables was lots of fun. The noodles tasted yummy and I really enjoyed them.
We then moved onto making an omelette …. I did not like eating it one bit but I saw other people going up for more though. Next we made fish cake which I didn’t like that much either – probably because it had vegetables in!
Afterwards, we tried flapjack. I usually like flapjack but this was made using natural sugars such as honey to sweeten it. It tasted quite different!
I guess it’s safe to say that my whole class had an excellent time cooking. Much better than Maths anyway!
By Henry T
On Friday we had so much fun making a variety of healthy meals. We made an omelette with things that I don’t normally like but it was delicious. Then we made chicken chow mien using noodles. It was scrumptious. It also had ginger, spring onions, broccoli and many other nutritious things.
At the end of the sessions, we got to taste a non-sugar flapjack. Despite the lack of sugar, it tasted amazing. All in all it was fun getting to chop, prepare and mix different foods.
By Katie B